Located at our Enfield Shop – Call 020 8367 5107 to come and view it.
We’ve educed the price quite significantly due to some damage
to the outer polyester coating – mostly hairline cracks.
If you’re not worried about how it looks, then you can own
this really nice piano for about half the normal price.
The mechanism inside is in great condition. All other parts
have been checked over and it comes with the usual UK Pianos
5 year warranty.
This piano has been fully re-conditioned, regulated and tuned and come with a full 5-Year Warranty covering all parts and labour.
Made in England.
A space-saving piano with 76 full size keys.
Ideal learner’s piano.
Can be upgraded or traded in with UK Pianos at a later date.
Serial number:
Colour: Polished White
Type: Second hand (re-conditioned)
Condition: Good
Warranty: 5 years ‘at-home’ (covers all parts and labour)
Delivery: £185 anywhere in mainland UK
Width 132 cm
Depth 48 cm
Height 98 cm